
wang xiaochun Learn more about wang xiaochun

  • Spring Orchid Wang Xiaochun: What is the spring orchid Wang Xiaochun bud like? Spring Orchid Wang Xiaochun Price

    Spring Orchid Wang Xiaochun: What is the spring orchid Wang Xiaochun bud like? Spring Orchid Wang Xiaochun Price

    Do you know this species of orchids? It was discovered in the early years of the Republic. And then slowly became known. What are the characteristics of this orchid? What is the flower bud like? What's the price? Let's take a look. Wang Xiaochunye

    2019-03-16 spring orchid wang xiaochun flower bud is what kind price
  • Lao Xiaochun (Jiangnan Xiaochun) Chunlan

    Lao Xiaochun (Jiangnan Xiaochun) Chunlan

    In the spring of 1919, Wang Kun of Zihong Mountain in Shaoxing Orchid Pavilion was found on the way to Xiaohe Mountain in Hangzhou, and then sold to Jiufeng Pavilion in Hangzhou. The outer three-petal head round meat is thick, the silkworm moth is holding, and there are red dots on the petal. Bangs, flowers shoulder flat, colorful, scape high. For this reason, Wu Chunbai, a scholar of Yi Tao, said: "the delicate flower smiles to stay in the spring". This poem seems to depict the flower. ...

  • Famous products of Chunlan Narcissus petal

    Famous products of Chunlan Narcissus petal

    Xi Shenmei (Xi Chenmei), Wang word, Dragon word, unparalleled Mei (Moth Fengmei), Chun Yipin (Yao Chunyipin), Tianle (Tianlu), Yipin, Yao Shixian, Xizi (Wen Pin, Xizi Lake), Jialong (Jiaolong), Cui Yipin, Wang Xiaochun, Yichun Immortal (Narcissus), Suzhou Chunyipin (Bei's Spring Yipin), Wang.

  • Tanbi (Peach Blossom Tanbi) Chunlan

    Tanbi (Peach Blossom Tanbi) Chunlan

    In 2007, he went down the mountain in Taohuatan Town, Jing County, Anhui Province, that is, Wang Lun bid farewell to Li Bai. The gentleman's country peeled off flowers in the mountains to buy, named Peach Blossom Tanbi, referred to as Tanbi, as a souvenir. This kind of thick waxy oil is bright and strong, the flowers are big, green and handsome, and the pole is high. He thinks that he is far above the old kind of Wang Xiaochun. This flower floats with five petals.

  • Rongzhou Hexian Jianlan

    Rongzhou Hexian Jianlan

    The six kings of Rongxian come down the mountain new products, holding the heart similar to Chunlan Wang Xiaochun, the flowers are big, the opening products are stable, and the flowers are well guarded. Yu is like one of the four beauties in the south of the Yangtze River, "Feizi Xiao" (Yang Guifei Rongxian), so it is named "Rongzhou Hexian (Concubine laugh)". The big flower comes out of the shelf, but the flower appearance is still the same, the flower is very big, bigger than some lotus immortals, more.

  • Why does the radish "shrink the water"?

    Why does the radish

    After months of running around, the Wang Min Land Co-operative of Chongzhou City, Sichuan Province, stepping on the tail of Dachun production, drove the rotary tiller directly into the field where the radish stalk was more than one person, and crushed the radish back to the field on the spot. It's too late to harvest, and then it will be late in spring.

    2016-01-10 Radish big why "shrank the water " in after for as long as
  • Front-line survey: the price of watermelon is like a roller coaster. Melon farmers have different joys and sorrows.

    Front-line survey: the price of watermelon is like a roller coaster. Melon farmers have different joys and sorrows.

    Front-line survey: the price of watermelon is like a roller coaster. Melon farmers have different joys and sorrows.

  • Internet +, can you get through the "second pulse" of Pratt & Whitney Finance?

    Internet +, can you get through the

    Internet +, can you get through the "second pulse" of Pratt & Whitney Finance?

  • Inner Mongolia race ugly pear mu into ten thousand yuan no problem

    Inner Mongolia race ugly pear mu into ten thousand yuan no problem

    Inner Mongolia race ugly pear mu into ten thousand yuan no problem

  • Wang Zi Chunlan

    Wang Zi Chunlan

    During the reign of Kangxi in Qing Dynasty, he was selected by Wang Keming in Fenghua, Zhejiang Province. The leaf posture is strong upright, the leaf quality is thick and hard, the leaf quality is thin and narrow, the leaf tip is acute. The leaves are dark green and dull. The new bud is purplish green. The shell is green with purple sesame tendons. Scape slender, ca. 25 cm tall. The flower is daffodils petal type, with three outer petals with round head, root, tight edge, waxy.

  • Famous products of Chunlan plum petal

    Famous products of Chunlan plum petal

    Song Mei, Wang Mei, Wan Zi (Yuanhu first Mei), Ji Yuan, Xiao Da Mei, he Shenmei (Ying GE Mei), Gui Yuanmei (match Jinxuan, Big Green Mei), Yuyao first Mei, Old Mei, Shiyuan, auspicious characters, Luying, Tianxingmei, Lianxi Mei, Chunyuanmei (New Qinmei), Cuitao (an Changmei), Tianzhangmei, Zhu Xiangzi.

  • Xiao Chunhe (happy lotus) Jianlan

    Xiao Chunhe (happy lotus) Jianlan

    Laugh at Chunhe. Happy lotus. Cat lotus full smile spring lotus is more flavor, we pursue standard plum, lotus at the same time, to a quiet and elegant lily, good. The most valuable is that when this flower blossoms like lotus, full of lilies, two forms, each with its own characteristics, makes people bright.

  • Stand on a new height and open a new chapter on agricultural industrialization

    Stand on a new height and open a new chapter on agricultural industrialization

    The Central Rural work Association proposed to vigorously support our agricultural industrialization. As an agricultural enterprise at the grass-roots level, I was really excited when I saw the news. If there is a country to cheer us up, what are the concerns? We will unite with farmers and cooperatives and have the courage to do so.

    2016-03-20 Standing new height agriculture industrialization opening new chapter central government rural areas
  • Interplanting peas after tobacco in Yongde, Yunnan, bulges farmers' pockets

    Interplanting peas after tobacco in Yongde, Yunnan, bulges farmers' pockets

    In order to speed up the adjustment of planting structure, improve the land utilization rate of Xiaochun and increase the income of farmers, Wumulong Township fully excavates the land resources after tobacco, makes scientific planning and rational layout, and takes increasing farmers' income as the starting point to actively explore the scientific cultivation of peas after tobacco. At present, the whole

    2016-01-16 Yunnan Yongde tobacco after interplanting peas bulging farmers purse
  • Qilin District of Yunnan Province has overfulfilled the 2009 grain planting plan.

    Qilin District of Yunnan Province has overfulfilled the 2009 grain planting plan.

    Qilin District of Yunnan Province has overfulfilled the 2009 grain planting plan.

  • Food prices fluctuate greatly. What will you plant in the coming year?

    Food prices fluctuate greatly. What will you plant in the coming year?

    Bumper harvest, falling prices make people worry. "this is yellow corn, this is sweet corn." It is very fragrant and tender. " At the Huaihe seed Industry Grain Industry complex in Hanqiao District, Suzhou City, three or five farmers are bagging the corn after harvest. "the output this year is good, but

    2016-01-10 Grain price fluctuation big next year planting point what bumper harvest price
  • The method of planting and raising Dafu Gui

    The method of planting and raising Dafu Gui

    Wang Xiaochun: the leaves are upright, the petals are thick and sticky, the calyx extends flat on both sides, the front of the petals turn outward, the cat's ear with a unique style, each has a reddish spot at the front of the double hold, the lip is round tongue, and the tongue is decorated with bright red patches. It is called the cat's ear holding, the best among the daffodils.

  • After a year, the real backbone of China, we should remember him.

    After a year, the real backbone of China, we should remember him.

    Ordinary Hero & nbsp; ordinary Hero Chen Xiaochun & nbsp; 0000Universe 04VR 11.

  • Planting techniques of winter soybean

    Planting techniques of winter soybean

    The main results are as follows: 1. the sowing time of winter soybean is quite flexible, and there is no significant difference in sowing yield from early April to early June. In practice, in order to obtain suitable basic seedlings of winter soybean, in addition to correctly determining the number of planting nests per mu to provide the basis of density, we should generally sow seeds in a period of time before the closure of corn forest, so that the bean seedlings have formed the necessary nutrients before shade aggravation. it is beneficial to ensure the basic seedlings. In the planting area, it is appropriate to sow seeds with corn or later, that is, in the middle and last ten days of April, and the clear planting area of Xiaochun should sow seeds in the first and middle of May. 2. Planting mode of winter soybean

  • The market demand for live pigs may increase significantly. It is expected that pig prices will enter the upward channel again.

    The market demand for live pigs may increase significantly. It is expected that pig prices will enter the upward channel again.

    The market demand for live pigs may increase significantly. It is expected that pig prices will enter the upward channel again.
